Tell me more about yourself..ok, enough.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Wow! Took this test, and they guessed my age spot on! Freaky!!!

You Are 24 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Long lunch

I knew I wouldn't have much on today. So I made a facial appointment for 1.45 pm.

Left the office at 12.45 so I could get lunch at my fave Japanese takeaway on Collins. Had teriyaki chicken and spicy beef on rice. It was pretty yummy if you don't look at the oil that's oozing from the sauces. They bloody increased the price from $6.90 to $7.20 for the meal. What a rip off! They used to have pretty good okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake) too, but now it's mainly flour compared to previously where they had bits of seafood and lots of vegie.

When I finished, it was still pretty early - 1.15 pm. So I decided to walk around a bit in the city, and ventured onto Little Collins St. A sign caught my eye. The unmistakable poster with red letterings in bold - SALE! OMG! I thought the sale at Chaddy was tomorrow! Heck, I rushed in, pushing aside the old lady who was looking at flowers and trampling on a little boy's toy car on the foot path. Ok, I was just exaggerating. I walked BRISKLY towards David Jones mens casual wear and felt the world stopping as I took in the sights before me - 30% off Polo Jeans, 25% off Bonds underwear, Diesel reduced. I have never seen anything so beautiful. Tears would've streaked down my face if it was for this pink Lenny shirt that caught my eye. I always wanted one of these shirts. My fingers sifted through the sizes and I mouthed silently, thank you God, as I saw sizes S and M hanging on the rack. I'm naturally a size S, so I rushed to the counter, in anticipation of a long queue of similarly eager men wanting to look good on Friday night at Peel or Market.

Looking down at my watch, I just realised that I had 5 minutes before my facial appointment. Considered going up to look at business wear, but my conscience got the better of me and I walked over to Collins 234 instead.

The facial was fantastic! It was so good, that I fell asleep when she was massaging my face! I realised I was sleeping when I woke myself up from my snoring. Lol. I wonder what she must've thought. Well, I can't help it. That's like a much-wanted mid-afternoon siesta after a pretty heavy lunch (yes, the rice with chicken and beef was quite a bit).

The facial finished at 2.50 pm and I dreaded going back to work. But alas, I did have to go back.

As I stepped into the office, feeling really guilty coz I was also holding a David Jones bag, I quickly put my bag down and hung my coat up, all the while trying to hide from my colleagues. But when I went to collect a print out, my colleagues were smiling and me and said,"Wow Jushie, partner already huh?" And I just blushed and quickly went back to my seat trying to look busy.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Love and Appreciation

I feel loved when:
- I switch on my phone in the morning and I get a message from a friend in Malaysia wishing me a happy birthday
- I receive text messages all day long from my friends and family from all over the world wishing me a happy birthday
- I get missed calls from a friend wanting to wish me a happy birthday
- I get to celebrate my birthday with my closest friends and family over dinner
- My friends come over for drinks to celebrate my birthday

I feel appreciated when:
- The firm sends out a mass email telling everyone it's my birthday
- In a room full of partners, directors, senior managers, managers and colleagues, the facilitator announces its my birthday and everyone else wishes me a happy birthday
- My favourite senior manager treats me to lunch

Happy Birthday to Me! :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fag Hags

You either hate them or love them.

1) They love you for who you are
2) They like hanging out with you
3) They know they can't have you
4) They want you
5) They think they know all about you, just coz both of you love men

Last night, my friend's gf, who has a gay friend as well asked me whether I was a top bottom (for me to know and for you guys to find out *wink*). So I told her my preference. And she's like...what? You're the same as Terrence? I always thought you were the other. And she was making a big deal out of it like it was something big. Like hello bitch! Just coz you KNOW the fucking difference between what a top or bottom means doesn't mean you KNOW what we do or how we look like. It was really annoying. She thinks she has the whole gay thing all sorted out. She thinks all we do is sleep with each other (hmm...) and that we sleep with anyone with a dick that moves. She's not a bloody fag hag also coz she doesn't go out at allto gay joints! She's only been to Liquid (in KL) like probably twice in her life, and she had a colleague who was gay, and another friend who's gay. She thinks that, we all come in one standard mind-set- to sleep and fuck anything that movies. What a bitch.

Then, she also asked me how many times I have sex a week and stuff. None of your fucking business bitch! I don't go asking you and your bf how many times you lay there and get ridden like a donkey.

It really annoys me that people like her, asks questions like these, when we're not even that close! I'm only close to her coz my friend is going out with her.

And then, I invited my friend and her for birthday dinner on Friday. I planned to go somewhere a little different to celebrate. Honestly, not like we go there ALL the time. It's like, a once a year thing. It's ok, she said she can't make it coz it's too pricey for her. My friend initially told me he could make it. But obviously, she made him change his mind, reminding him that he makes less than her, he can't afford it and all the shit. And she had the cheek to say that I have rich friends, who can afford to go to places like that. I calmly told her - "No, they're not my rich friends. They're my friends." Honestly..sheesh!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


It was just another usual Saturday night at "Paul's" (names have been changed to remain anonymous) place.

We were talking about a whole range of topics from how fast we wash dishes (he takes an hour and a half) to which of our friends are boyfriend material (we only managed to pick 2).

Then, we talked about the movie, Closer.

Paul said that it was a very intersting movie, and the plot was really good and simple to understand.

I was, it's so confusing. Everyone sleeping around with everyone. And then I looked at him and I was I know why you find it so easy to understand. That's basically the story of your life!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I can’t believe it. Just one more day till the weekend. Well, I would be glad once the day is over. Coz that’s when I’ll finally be back in the office for some Jushie time.

It’s been a hectic 2 weeks as I worked day and night trying to finish my work in time, and to produce quality work too. Bosses just don’t get it. If you want quantity, quality will be compromised. If you want quality, quantity will be compromised. Economics 101. No one gets it nowdays.

My boss for this job is female. Its harder when its female. I prefer to work for males coz we’re just more relaxed. There was one night, when she was reviewing my work, and she said it’s hard for me to please a woman. I was!?!!? (In my mind, I was going, of course, what would I do with a woman??)

Anyway, now I’m all alone in the room since my colleague’s been kidnapped to help another team upstairs. As I look at the whiteboard of the things that are still outstanding (just minor stuff), I grin and sigh a heave of relief as I look back and wonder…how much overtime will I be able to claim?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Evenings and Gay Parties

I hate Sunday evenings. Sunday evenings spell the end of the weekend, and the start of the week.

I was supposed to work over the weekend, but didn't get the chance to as I had to schedule quite a few social obligations. Should've told them back at work that I'll be really busy this weekend. Damn!

Ah well. It was a really good weekend. Had a party at Tim's place last night. That was both scary and good at the same time. I had more than my usual quota of 1 glass of red wine and was pretty tipsy after. It would've been really fun (not to mention slutty since the "gay group" was touching and hugging each other on Tim's poor bean bag) if I didn't see my colleague there and also a friend I knew from Singapore. And these people don't know that I am queer! So when I first saw my colleague, I was like...fuck! And I had entered Tim's place with like 5 other sisters. And then, as I waited to use the bathroom that I was dying to use as a result of drinking too much water at DMNK's place before, I saw my friend from Singapore come out of the toilet. Double fuck!

So what can I do, but to act straight during the party. But alas, helping others finish off their wine and champagne and lychee beer proved to be a good deed gone wrong as my more "queeny" side exposed itself. I joined in the fun that was happening on the bean bag. We must've been making quite a bit of noise as Tim's neighbour came knocking on the door asking us to tone down. Like hello...fuck off! When a bunch of queens gather, you don't expect us to be silently watching Brokeback Mountain!

Tim mentioned something funny over the course of the night. He said "The thing about gay parties is you never know who's slept with who." How true, as I looked around the room and giggle as I try to figure out who's slept with who and who WANTS to sleep with who (I made my own little list as I skimmed the room).

Anyways, as I recall what happened over the weekend, I can only hope that the week will breeze through and next weekend will come again in a blink of an eye.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Someone asked me recently what my star sign was (I'm a Gemini).

He said as a Gemini, I am atracted to people who can stimulate me intellectually. And that got me thinking. Of course. Who doesn't want intellectual conversations every now and then?

Of the 3 (gay) relationships that I have been in, 2 of them stimulated me both intellectually and physically. And of the 2, 1 of them inspired me, that he made me want to be a better person and challenge myself from where I am at. Which is why I probably fell so deeply in love with him - he has all the basic qualities that aI look for and more!

Then I realised...none of the people I've met recently stimulates me as such (well, there is one person whom I can have a decent intellectual conversation with at times, but let's not go there). Maybe it's because the people that I meet in Melbourne are usually younger than I am. It's not very often that I meet people my age or older. So a lot of times, I fall for people who look attractive to me, but after a while, the physical attraction weans off and the feeling's not there anymore.

Conversations that can get me talking (or at least will spark an interest):
1) Financial markets
2) Society
3) Arts - esp. arthouse movies
4) Travel

And I also find people with dreams who can think long-term a turn on. I guess in a way, I like the idea of stability, security and direction. People who know what they want in life and takes proactive action rather than wait for miracles to happen. Maybe that's why I'm more inclined to men, coz they usually have those qualities. But when I chance upon a really focused woman, they turn me on immensely too. Docility is good sometimes, but only in the appropriate circumstances.

Recently, I've also been thinking - the guy that I go out with should earn more than me - preferably a 6 figure salary (Disclaimer: This by no way indicates that I am earning a 6 figure salary. It is only meant to give an indication that he SHOULD be earning a 6 figure salary)? This ties in with the security mentioned above.

I guess I'm asking for a lot(?). And is probably the reason why I'm still single. When people ask why, I just shrug my head and tell them I haven't found the right one yet. My friend told me that in the world, there are probably 6,000 people who are right for you. I've found 2. Where're the other 5,998?

Friday, May 05, 2006

London Tax Rates

Omg...I just did a search for the income tax rates in London and came up with this:

In the 2005/6 tax year (for income earned between April 6th 2005 and April 5th 2006), the income tax bands were as follows:
0% on the first £4,895 (your personal allowance, equivalent to about £94 per week, or £408 per month)
(you may not be entitled to the full allowance if you have not been resident in the UK during the whole tax year)
10% (the lower rate) on the next £2,090 equivalent to about £40 per week, or £174 per month)
22% (the basic rate) on the next £30,310 (equivalent to about £583 per week, or £2,526 per month)
40% (the higher rate) on any income above this

Can someone please tell me that this isn't true. 40% at any income above £30,310 is seriously a lot! And I thought Australia was bad!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Back Treatment

Went for a back treatment during lunch today to clean my back. No, I don't have millions of pimples on my back. Just thought it'd be good to do it once and see how it goes.

It was luxurious! They only use Dermalogica products which is THE only product that I trust.

First, she started off with cleansing the back. Gentle massaging strokes topped with nice warm cleansing gel and soft back rubs. What else can you ask for in the middle of the day?

Next was the back scrubs with sea salt and some other things. It stinged a bit as she was rubbing it in, but it still felt good coz of the granules from the salt. It was like a massage with little beads. Heavenly.

Then came the extraction bit which was slightly painful, but certainly not as painful as a facial extraction. Those hurt like bitches.

Later, she wrapped my in cling wrap after slothering seaweed masque on my back. She then proceeded to massaging my aching feet (from walking all the way from Southbank to Collins Street).

She finished off by massaging in moisturiser onto my back. Ahhhh...heaven.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Just came back from my annual leave on Sunday.

Shanghai was great but hazy. Not much shopping for guys, but if you're a gal, just head on down.

Kuala Lumpur was alright as well. Zara didn't have their sale on when I was back, so I didn't spend RM2,000 again on Zara clothes, let alone RM1.

Where shall I go next? I hear Dubai's really beautiful. London is great too, but I am thinking of going there for work next year.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Phone Sex

Mos: Are you horny?

Kermit: Yeah.

Mos: So what're you gonna do about it?

Kermit: Wanna have phone sex?

Mos: Crazy ar you. You want me to put the phone into my ass??

Kermit: ...