Tell me more about yourself..ok, enough.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Someone asked me recently what my star sign was (I'm a Gemini).

He said as a Gemini, I am atracted to people who can stimulate me intellectually. And that got me thinking. Of course. Who doesn't want intellectual conversations every now and then?

Of the 3 (gay) relationships that I have been in, 2 of them stimulated me both intellectually and physically. And of the 2, 1 of them inspired me, that he made me want to be a better person and challenge myself from where I am at. Which is why I probably fell so deeply in love with him - he has all the basic qualities that aI look for and more!

Then I realised...none of the people I've met recently stimulates me as such (well, there is one person whom I can have a decent intellectual conversation with at times, but let's not go there). Maybe it's because the people that I meet in Melbourne are usually younger than I am. It's not very often that I meet people my age or older. So a lot of times, I fall for people who look attractive to me, but after a while, the physical attraction weans off and the feeling's not there anymore.

Conversations that can get me talking (or at least will spark an interest):
1) Financial markets
2) Society
3) Arts - esp. arthouse movies
4) Travel

And I also find people with dreams who can think long-term a turn on. I guess in a way, I like the idea of stability, security and direction. People who know what they want in life and takes proactive action rather than wait for miracles to happen. Maybe that's why I'm more inclined to men, coz they usually have those qualities. But when I chance upon a really focused woman, they turn me on immensely too. Docility is good sometimes, but only in the appropriate circumstances.

Recently, I've also been thinking - the guy that I go out with should earn more than me - preferably a 6 figure salary (Disclaimer: This by no way indicates that I am earning a 6 figure salary. It is only meant to give an indication that he SHOULD be earning a 6 figure salary)? This ties in with the security mentioned above.

I guess I'm asking for a lot(?). And is probably the reason why I'm still single. When people ask why, I just shrug my head and tell them I haven't found the right one yet. My friend told me that in the world, there are probably 6,000 people who are right for you. I've found 2. Where're the other 5,998?


Blogger Stinging Rabbit said...

How young is young to you? Some students can hold a serious and intellectual conversation (may it be forced or by choice. :P). It's just that most choose not to. Peer pressure. Lolz.

4:46 pm  
Blogger Jushie said...

That being said, I do agree that not all young people are immature and unable to hold a decent and intellectual conversation. I think its the level of maturity that one has. Life's experiences are quite a huge determinant in the maturity level of a person.

So I stand corrected. I would like someone who is mature in their thinking.

11:23 pm  
Blogger Stinging Rabbit said...

If you put things in that sense of mature thinking, then yes. I agree with you. Not many students hold a level of maturity in their thinking style. Personally, I don't think with maturity unless a situation requires me to do so, e.g. matters of relationships, studies, etc. etc. You know, adult things. Hehehe.

12:40 am  
Blogger executorlouis said...

And i thought i had high expectations! =P

4:43 pm  
Blogger confusticated said...

i've always wondered. people tend to have arbitrarily high expectations of potential life partners, right? so, how do we measure up to that other person's scale?

9:03 pm  
Blogger Jushie said...

silentside: yeah. as I said, maturity does come with experience with comes with age. But I have met some students with a maturity level of a 30 year old, in a hot 19 year old body. Lol.

executorlouis: yeah, but very often, i find myself dating guys who do not fall into that category :(

idiot with an opinion: I don't know. Mine would be high I suppose? Lol.

10:28 pm  
Blogger Stinging Rabbit said...

Haha. Can you intro? :P Omg... I sound so sad and desperate. Lolz. Which I am! Hehe. But I know desperate guys turn other guys off. Btw, thanks for commenting on my blog!

11:30 pm  
Blogger Derek said...

I think your expectations are not that high, jushie.

There are lots of people like that and you just haven't met them yet. ;P

And if I may say so myself, without sounding er ... arrogant, I think I fulfill those! LOL

10:04 pm  
Blogger Mr RM said...

SIX FIGURE salary in RInggit? Ruppiah? Baht? or Aussie Dollars? hee hee

4:17 am  
Blogger Jushie said...

Well, EURO would be good. But I'll settle for AUD at the moment.

1:52 pm  

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