Fag Hags
You either hate them or love them.
1) They love you for who you are
2) They like hanging out with you
3) They know they can't have you
4) They want you
5) They think they know all about you, just coz both of you love men
Last night, my friend's gf, who has a gay friend as well asked me whether I was a top bottom (for me to know and for you guys to find out *wink*). So I told her my preference. And she's like...what? You're the same as Terrence? I always thought you were the other. And she was making a big deal out of it like it was something big. Like hello bitch! Just coz you KNOW the fucking difference between what a top or bottom means doesn't mean you KNOW what we do or how we look like. It was really annoying. She thinks she has the whole gay thing all sorted out. She thinks all we do is sleep with each other (hmm...) and that we sleep with anyone with a dick that moves. She's not a bloody fag hag also coz she doesn't go out at allto gay joints! She's only been to Liquid (in KL) like probably twice in her life, and she had a colleague who was gay, and another friend who's gay. She thinks that, we all come in one standard mind-set- to sleep and fuck anything that movies. What a bitch.
Then, she also asked me how many times I have sex a week and stuff. None of your fucking business bitch! I don't go asking you and your bf how many times you lay there and get ridden like a donkey.
It really annoys me that people like her, asks questions like these, when we're not even that close! I'm only close to her coz my friend is going out with her.
And then, I invited my friend and her for birthday dinner on Friday. I planned to go somewhere a little different to celebrate. Honestly, not like we go there ALL the time. It's like, a once a year thing. It's ok, she said she can't make it coz it's too pricey for her. My friend initially told me he could make it. But obviously, she made him change his mind, reminding him that he makes less than her, he can't afford it and all the shit. And she had the cheek to say that I have rich friends, who can afford to go to places like that. I calmly told her - "No, they're not my rich friends. They're my friends." Honestly..sheesh!!!
Yupz, some chicks are just bloody annoying. Esp when a good friend dates them and you have to put up with their nonsense.
Hmmm. I'm yet to get annoying faghags. I guess I should be careful on finding new faghags. (not that I want to.)
by defacto standards, women has heavier sins compared to men. forgive them. i stay away far far from them. gagaga.
ps: thanks jushie for linking me ;)
haha yeah i have a fren who just like yours too.. n yeah she thought she knows everything but she never guess how the sex between gays! ahaha She always thought we just use mouth n dick but not the ASS ahahah ....
Cool down...dun be angry, maybe she's just making too much assumption there. Let her be with her imagination. Who knows it's her fantasy there :P
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